EUROPEAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT SL ha sido admitida desde el 28 de marzo de 2016 como
Plataforma de liderazgo para el desarrollo, implementación y divulgación de políticas y practicas corporativas responsables dentro de la responsabilidad social corporativa .
Así consta registrada, siendo felicitada por el Director Ejecutivo de la red del Pacto mundial de la ONU ,como escuela de negocios que aplica los diez principios relativos a derechos humanos,laborales,medioambientales y de lucha contra la crrupción,en el marco de la responsabilidad social corporativa y de contribuir a una economía mundial más sostenible e integradora
Los Diez Principios del Pacto Mundial de las Naciones Unidas se derivan de: la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos ,la Declaración de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo relativa a los principios y derechos fundamentales en el trabajo, la Declaración de Río sobre el Medio Ambiente y el Desarrollo y la Convención de las Naciones Unidas contra la Corrupción. .
Derechos humanos
Principio 1 : Las empresas deben apoyar y respetar la protección de los derechos humanos fundamentales, reconocidos internacionalmente; y
Principio 2 : asegurarse de que no son cómplices en la vulneración de los derechos humanos.
Principio 3 : Las empresas deben apoyar la libertad de afiliación y el reconocimiento efectivo del derecho de negociación colectiva;
Principio 4 : la eliminación de todas las formas de trabajo forzoso y obligatorio;
Principio 5 : la abolición efectiva del trabajo infantil; y
Principio 6 : la eliminación de la discriminación en materia de empleo y ocupación.
Principio 7 : Las empresas deberán mantener un enfoque preventivo que favorezca el medio ambiente;
Principio 8 : fomentar las iniciativas que promuevan una mayor responsabilidad ambiental; y
Principio 9 : fomentar el desarrollo y la difusión de las tecnologías respetuosas con el medio ambiente.
Principio 10 : Las empresas deben trabajar contra la corrupción en todas sus formas, incluidas la extorsión y el soborno.
Además ESM apoya los6 Principios para la Educación Responsable en Gestión (PRME) con la misión de inspirar la educación de gestión responsable, la investigación y liderazgo a nivel mundial. Como Institución de Educación Superior (IES) ESM se convierten en signatario de los seis principios de PRME, que están inspiradas en los valores aceptados internacionalmente entre las escuelas de negocio, con el fin de desarrollar una nueva generación de líderes empresariales capaces de promover el cambio sostenible en el mundo.
Dear Ms. Gonzalez de Echavarri,
Thank you for writing the Secretary-General to express your organization’s commitment to advance the Global Compact’s principles in the areas of human rights, labour standards, the environment and anti-corruption. We applaud your leadership in making this decision and welcome your organization’s engagement in the Global Compact – the world’s largest corporate citizenship initiative, with thousands of business participants and other stakeholders from civil society, labour and government based in over 160 countries.
At the heart of the Global Compact is a conviction that business practices which are rooted in universal principles help the global marketplace to be more socially and economically inclusive, thus advancing collective goals of international cooperation, peace and development. Indeed, companies and other organizations participating in the Global Compact are working diligently to give concrete meaning to this principle-based change approach.
From the beginning, the Global Compact has considered the active engagement of non-business stakeholders a critical factor for making real progress. Your participation helps to foster this collaborative spirit which is so critical for tackling today’s challenges.
Academic institutions have a unique role to play in advancing the Global Compact. For example, by undertaking research on the evolving issue of corporate citizenship, academic findings can serve to underpin more effective policies and practices. And, by developing case studies related to corporate efforts to implement universal principles, academics can further strengthen the business case for responsible practices. Perhaps most importantly, academics can better equip our leaders of tomorrow with the knowledge and tools they will need to adequately meet pressing global challenges.
Therefore, we encourage you to show your commitment to the Global Compact by taking strategic actions in one or more of the following areas: educating responsible leaders, advancing relevant research, disseminating international values of corporate citizenship, giving technical support to responsible business, or lending capacity to Global Compact Local Networks.
Ms.Maria Teresa Gonzalez de Echavarri
European School of Management, S.L.
San Cristóbal de La Laguna
Business schools and management-related academic institutions are also encouraged to join the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) initiative. The responsible education principles provide an engagement framework specifically for academic institutions to advance corporate responsibility through the incorporation of universal values into curricula and research. Over 100 academic institutions around the world have joined. More information can be found in the enclosed PRME brochure.
As a voluntary initiative, the Global Compact draws strength from our participants’ commitment and actions. To spur implementation and progress, we provide various learning and engagement opportunities for signatories. These include: 80-plus country and regional networks where issues and activities are driven at a local level; practical tools and guidance documents on the principles and other priority issues; and international and local events where multi-stakeholder participants can exchange experiences, partake in learning and problem-solving exercises, engage in dialogue and identify like-minded organizations for partnering projects.
Further details on such activities can be found in the attached guidance document, “After the Signature: A Guide to Engagement in the United Nations Global Compact” and on the Global Compact website (
Credibility and accountability are critical factors for advancing the Global Compact. We encourage all organizations engaged in the initiative to communicate with their stakeholders about efforts to promote the initiative’s ten principles and to engage in collaborative projects which advance the broader development goals of the United Nations, particularly the Millennium Development Goals. To start, your organization may wish to inform stakeholders – such as students, employees and partners – and the general public about your decision to support the Global Compact.
Again, we thank you for joining the Global Compact. We are eager to hear your ideas and experiences, and encourage you to share your views with us. We stand ready to support your efforts to embrace the ten universal principles and contribute to a more sustainable and inclusive global economy.